University of Ottawa – Advanced Research Complex (ARC)

Client: University of Ottawa

Project presentation

The five-storey 14,000m2 ARC building is a science research facility at the University of Ottawa for Advanced Photonics and Environmental Analysis that complements the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Physics and Engineering. The facility houses classrooms, a cleanroom for laser testing, cold rooms and laboratories dedicated to inert gas research and analysis of glacial specimens, as well as Canada’s only accelerator mass spectrometer, a $3M instrument for kinetic energy conversion.

  • Extensive anti-vibration measures were implemented for the specialized instruments since they are highly sensitive to vibrations.
  • Labs are equipped with diffusers that push air sideways instead of downward, to avoid disrupting sensitive lasers.
  • The leading-edge facility now attracts national and international researchers.
  • LEED® Gold Certified



Ottawa, ON

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