Lemieux Island
Client: City of Ottawa
Project presentation
The Lemieux Island Water Treatment plant is considered critical infrastructure for the City of Ottawa and its water distribution system. A tunnel network constructed circa 1920-1990 provides service corridors and routes for water-mains connecting various processing facilities on the site. The major water mains within the tunnels remained in service throughout the work. Repairs to the cast-in-place concrete tunnels included innovative crystalline waterproofing systems implemented to control for suboptimal bedrock conditions encountered during the work. Hard landscaping above the extensive tunnel network required the design and implementation of a structural reinforced concrete slab to allow for fully loaded tanker trucks to continue deliveries to the plant, providing long-term protection to the tunnels and waterproofing systems.
Characteristics and Impacts
- To complete this work a separate entrance to the water treatment facility needed to be temporarily upgraded to allow a detour for service and supply vehicles during construction.
- Schedule was of paramount importance to ensure all work was completed prior to onset of winter conditions.
- Work was completed in 2018 with Graebeck Construction Ltd. on time and under budget.