Critical Building Including a Data Center
Client: Confidential Client

Project description
The multifunctional building consists of a 1 MW critical data center and a 4 MW blast-proof operations center, meeting the highest physical security standards (building for civil protection, resistant to armed attack and subject to NERC level 4 requirements). This site has a Level III objective and is certified by the Uptime Institute, also known as a simultaneous maintenance system, which means that every component and distribution feeder on a site can be removed on a scheduled basis for maintenance or replacement without impacting operations.
Characteristics and Impacts
Three synchronized 2.5 MW/3.125 MVA, 13.8 kV diesel generators are used in an N+1 configuration with the rest of the LV and MV power distribution in a 2N configuration. Critical IT equipment is powered by PDUs, busbars and modular inverters.
There are four 200-tonne water-cooled helical-rotary chillers in N+1 configuration, combined with two redundant adiabatic fluid coolers weighing 250 tonnes each, and four fluid coolers in N+1 configuration weighing 125 tonnes each. A total of 16 20-tonne CRAH units in N+2 configuration are used to cool critical areas. A raised floor throughout the data room is designed to contain cold air. Each computer cabinet has its own hot-air chimney which terminates in the false ceiling serving as a hot-air return plenum.
Cable trays are used throughout the building for all copper and fiber-optic cables. Doors to computer cabinets and critical rooms are monitored by surveillance cameras to ensure the best possible protection.
Varennes, QC